I currently work as a Software Engineer at Facebook in the team "Whatsapp Test Automation Infra": We focus on building infrastructure, tools and frameworks for the core WhatsApp platforms to allow engineers at WhatsApp to reliably and safely test their apps.
I obtained a Ph.D. degree Cum Laude in Software Engineering at Delft University of Technology. I hold a M.Sc. (2016) in Information Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Trento (IT) and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Verona (2013).
I focus my research activity in the software testing area. This includes (but not limited to) the following topics: software testing practices, test code quality, test code review, test code maintenance. I am a big fan of mining software repositories, though I always try to include qualitative analysis in my research, to better understand developers' perspective.
Author of PyDriller.